Croatian cultural association


The Croatian Cultural Association, the umbrella organisation of amateur artistic activities, is a non-governmental organization that covers amateur reproductive performing activities in the Republic of Croatia:

  • music (vocal and instrumental)
  • dance – contemporary (Laban educational dance, jazz dance, show dance, tap-dancing and hip-hop), classical ballet, social and folk dance
  • theatre (popular, classical, dance theatre and alternative theatre)
  • literature 
  • art


The basic tasks of the Association are to prompt and aid the development of all the above activities, creating the pre-conditions for their broad popularisation and advancement.

These objectives are realised through the follow programme activities: 

- Organisation of lectures, courses and seminars for advanced professional training and competence

- Publishing activities (printing winning compositions and publication of two specialised series: Croatian Folk Costumes and Croatian 
  Folk Dances
- Stimulating domestic music creativity (competitions for new compositions)
- Organising manifestations at the state level for presentation and evaluation of the best accomplishments in amateur artistic creativity (encounters and festivals of choirs, small vocal groups, wind and tambura orchestras, folklore, dance and theatre ensembles, literary and art groups)
- Ongoing professional and organisational help to individual members
- Membership in and co-operation with similar European cultural associations (AITA/IATA, AMATEO, CISM, EUROPA CANTAT, MUSICA MUNDI, National organization for culture of Czech Republic, Republic of Slovenia, Republic of Slovakia, Republic of Hungary and Republic of Romania.
- Selecting choirs, orchestras, folklore, dance and theatre ensembles for participation at international festivals


The organization brings together 940 members, which are united in 12 County Communities, the Association of Czechs, the Association of Culture and Art Societies of the town of Kutina, and the Zagreb Amateur Theatre Stage, as well as from regions in Croatia without County Community cultural and art societies.  All together, our organization brings together around 80 000 young people that are active in our member associations.

The Croatian Cultural Association has its own professional service with five permanently employed experts. 

Programme Council has been established for each individual activity, and the members are leading artists and professionals in individual fields, with the status of external associates.



Kralja Zvonimira 17
10 000 Zagreb
+ 385/1/4618-825
+ 385/1/4621-738